When I was looking for condos in NYC, I was living across the country in San Francisco. The distance and time difference made the process way more complicated than it needed to be. Luckily, I was referred to Geri. Geri worked with me to scope out condos all over the city. I spoke with her on the phone and over email to nail down my ideal criteria, and she put in the work to send me a variety of options. Once I had a few candidates in mind, I flew out to tour them in person. When I toured each place, really appreciated her insights and honesty. A lot of real estate agents try to pressure you into buying places that you don't really want. Geri was as quick as me to point out what was good and bad about each building. In the end, I was able to buy a place I love, and I couldn't have done it without her. I would recommend Geri to anyone looking in NYC!